Spring 2022 New Steps News

Dear Parents

Welcome to all the new families that have joined New Steps! We are happy you have joined us.

Spring is finally here! We are loving the warmer weather and the new life as buds are popping!

With the freshness of spring comes the freedom to run around unhindered by bulky clothing. Please remember to pack “extra labelled clothing for your child”. Playtime inside and outside can be fun and messy so having an extra set or two of clothes is very comforting for your child. Also please label all backpacks as there are many identical backpacks and this will alleviate “mix ups”.

Weather permitting daily outdoor playtime in the morning and afternoon is enjoyed by all children. Please ensure your child has weather appropriate clothing. This time of year rain boots and splash pants are recommended. Please be advised that if your child is well enough to attend daycare he/she is well enough to participate in all aspects of the program including outdoor play.

A reminder that the health and safety of each child is our first priority and all playtime is fully supervised however as we are playing slips and falls do occur. If your child gets a scrape or bump it will be cleaned and a band-aid applied if necessary. You will be notified upon pick up.

New Steps daily program begins at 9:00 am. We encourage you to bring your child to the centre by 9:00 am so that they have the opportunity to participate in all the daily learning activities to optimize their learning experience while at New Steps Childcare.

Read! Read! Read! Literacy continues to be a vital part of our curriculum at New Steps. Please talk to your child’s teacher for recommendations of books that you can read with your child to help nurture their growing vocabulary.

We continue to be vigilant regarding your child’s health within the centre. If your child is sent home with any COVID 19 related symptoms the child must remain home for 5 days, they must also be tested 2x within 24-48 hr and have 2 negative results before returning to the Centre.

If you have concerns or questions regarding your child’s development and wish to chat with your child’s teacher please feel free to call the Centre around 12:30pm and we will do our best to accommodate a time to chat.

Thank you for your co-operation and support.

Spring Activities happening at New Steps

May2-6: Plant and Flowers: We celebrate Mother’s!

May 9-13: Helping Hands: How we can help at home and at School

May16-20: Please and Thank you : Learning about how we show and use good Manners

May 24-27: Fly to the Moon! It’s all about Planets!

May 30-June 3: Germs and Hygiene: Health and Safety at Home and School

Bible Emphasis: The Good Samaritan: Helping and Loving our Neighbour