New Steps Fall 2022

Our New Steps summer was amazing! The children and staff had a blast!

Plus we created great memories that will last a lifetime.

We are happy to be entering a new season, of fall and Thanksgiving. Kids love the fall leaves, the beautiful colours and being able to run and play and jump in the leaves.

We have so much to be thankful for, our Country, our home, our family and friends!

We plan to focus our learning experiences here at Newsteps on the following:


* September 30th Wear Orange to recognize Reconciliation day…A day of Hope!

*Dressing/all by my self (encouraging and teaching self help skills)

* Fall: Our Most Colourful Season of Change
*Creating books (all about me)
*Thanksgiving ( Thanksgiving dinner and assembly planned) *Families
* Safety @ home and school
*Pumpkins (orange theme week and dress up day

The weather is changing. Please ensure that you provide your child with a fall jacket, hat and rain boots…maybe even mittens…brr!

Stay tuned for some exciting news to share with you in the next blog regarding the Christian focus component of our program.

Stay safe, Stay positive, Be Thankful!