Relate, Encourage, Educate
All New Steps program teachers (RECE’s) must be a registered member in good standing with the College of Early Childhood Education.
All New Steps teachers’ assistants, (ECA) and RECE’s are committed caregivers and as New Steps employees, are encouraged to continually upgrade their education and teaching methods. We are committed to providing educational opportunities and financial support to our staff as they endeavour to improve and upgrade their skills.
Just another step we have taken to ensure excellence
Raising the Bar for excellence in preschool childcare continues to be an integral goal for us at New Steps Childcare. New Steps Childcare Centre participates in ‘Raising the Bar’ in Peel, a voluntary community initiative for licensed, early learning and child care programs in Peel. This innovative program encourages the focus of goal setting and education through ongoing workshops and practical experience for our caregivers.

New Steps Childcare has completed the “Platinum Maintenance Level” in Raising the Bar.
We are innovative in our teaching methods and throughout the school year we partner with Post Secondary institutions to help provide monitored and mentored hands-on training experience for up and coming Early Childhood Educators.