After a very warm and wet September and October here we are in November..
Some tips to help you transition your child to the colder weather and make their outdoor playtime comfortable and fun!
Please provide: A hat, mittens, mud pants, boots for those wet days, and a warmer jacket. By layering your children’s clothes it allows us to keep them comfortable on those days when the temperature can be inconsistent from morning to afternoon.
We have enjoyed dressing up during the last few weeks for Sports day, Fall colours day, Orange day, PJ day, Pink day, and lots of walks where we collect fall leaves to create an Autumn Collage.
In anticipation of the Christmas season and to celebrate giving: New Steps continues to participate in Samaritans Purse “shoe box” drive to help those who are not as fortunate as us in Canada. Due to Covid it is not possible to participate ‘hands on’ this year but please do share through this link: secure.samaritanpurse.ca
Here’s a overview of the timeline for planned events
Months of November and December
November 1-5 What can we make with Apples ( Life Cycle of Apples
November 8-12 How do we make healthy choices in Nutrition?
November 15-19 All About Harvest
Nov 22 – 26 Fire Safety & Prevention
Nov 29 – Dec 3 Caring and Sharing (Samaritans Purse food drive begins)
December 6-10 Christmas focus: Preparing for Christmas Concert
December 13-17 Nativity Focus/ Concert/ Wear Christmas Colours
December 20-24 Fancy Dress Day/ Christmas Dinner
Christmas Closure Dates!
December 24th closure at 12pm
New Steps reopens January 3rd 2022