New Steps Welcomes Spring….and all the Unpredictable weather it brings..So just a few parent reminders as we transition to Warmer Weather
- Since outdoor play is an integral part of our curriculum please provide weather appropriate clothing for your child to enjoy their outdoor play. Even though we have some lovely warm days, please ensure that hats, gloves, snow boots, rain boots, extra socks and snow pants or splash pants are available for your child. The weather we may experience in the morning may not be the weather you find when you pick up your child at night!
- Some Covid Protocal Clarification and in agreement with New Steps policies and Peel Public Health. Children exhibiting 1 sympton as listed on the Parent COVID 19 agreement will be excluded fromthe child care centre for a minimum of 24 hours or until free of fever or illness. Your child must either isolate for 10 days, remain home until all symptoms subside and be cleared by a health care practioner to return to the childcare. Please be reminded if your child becomes ill during the day you will receive a call to pick up your child as soon as possible to avoid any prolonged distress to your child. If you have any questions regarding these policies please feel free to talk to the Centre’s Program Director Adele.
- We recognize how difficult this year has been for all and will continue to strive and keep our centre healthy and safe with your support ….We are thankful for your cooperation daily.
- READING..Ahhhhh the joy of reading to and with your children…..
- Not only is it enjoyable and a wonderful bonding time; reading with our children also helps develop their language skills because as we read we are sharing language and thoughts.
- Choosing stories that rhyme is very helpful for teaching speech and language and develops a love of language…. Reading opens a whole new world for you and your child…Have fun discovering it!
- Your child’s teacher can help you choose an age/stage appropriate book to enjoy together if you ask!