We have so much to Give Thanks for here at New Steps Childcare Centre. We have been re-opened since July 6, and are truly thankful that all children and staff continue in good health! Lots of exciting things are happening […]
Author: Anita Huggins
Dear Parents New Steps Childcare Centre is now open and accepting enrollment! Safety protocals are in effect and we are happy that we can be of service to our community and to care for and educate preschool children once again. […]
Hello New Steps Parents: We have been informed that Childcare Centres must remain closed until June 09 2020. We hope you are keeping well and look forward to the time when we will once again be able to offer childcare […]
Hello New Steps Families: We have received an updated closure mandate that extends New Steps closure until May 19 2020 ( see below) We are eagerly anticipating the day when we can reopen to care for and educate your children. […]
https://busytoddler.com, https://www.focusonthefamily.ca/covid-19#activities-for-kids […]
April 23, 2020 Re: COVID – 19, Closure UpdateDear Parents:the Government of Ontario has extended the closure order for licensed child care centres.In compliance, New Steps Childcare Centre will remain closed until May 6, 2020.We will keep you updated through […]
Thank you for your patience as DPCDSB has worked towards providing the most up-to-date information regarding the status of our facilities and the impact on our child care operators and community partners. Based on advice from Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s […]
Introducing our new Supervisor: Adele Irish: Adele brings with her a passion for children’s development and over 30 years of childcare experience…. in her own words… My name is Adele Irish. From my earliest recollection, I always dreamed of being […]
Tis the Season! It’s upon us already, the Christmas season and all the busyness and celebrating has begun. Here are some important dates so you can plan your calendar for the next month! Tuesday December 17: Classroom Christmas concerts: Infants 4:00, Toddlers […]