It’s February!

Welcome to February Happenings at New Steps!

February is full of fun and exciting activities for us. Winter brrrrrry and snowy fun is part of our day. We are happy to see snow to play in , to go sledding, building snow castles and snow angels. PLEASE make sure that your child(ren) come fully prepared with outdoor clothing, snow boots, snow pants, hats, and mitts…Extra mitts are so helpful when one pair might get wet. Warm clothing makes outdoors so much FUN

Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate is the theme for the month. We are celebrating LOVE! and ……………… We are Celebrating Black History Month.

Spirit week 1: Feb 6-10

*Crazy sock Day. * Wear Red Day * Disney Character Day. * Mix and match Day. * PJ and movie Day

Spirit week 2: Feb 13-17 with themes: ‘Do everything in love’, God make everyone’, ‘Friendship’, ‘Only one God’, ‘God is love’

*Paper plate peace craft MLK Jr * Diversity Finger Painting * Wear multicultural outfits from all families

Our new song is called ” These hand are your hands”. It speaks about the different colours of our hands; how we are all made unique. We celebrate this and our ‘sameness’. Let’s love each other and be each others helper….Talk to your child’s teacher if you would like to learn it and sing it with your child(ren)

We have a dream for all children at New Steps……